Welcome to my blog!

On my blog I posted videos, pictures, and information and facts on social media and how it affects people. I mainly focused my research on the positive and negative ways social media impacts society. I found that it can be very helpful and useful but it can also be very detrimental. I learned that when used recklessly and not carefully it can ruin someone’s life. It can lead to addiction, behavior issues, and even mental disorders. The problem is that social media is easy to misuse and people don’t realize that it affects so many others. But I also learned when used responsibly it can be a great tool for society. It can help solve crime, help other people, bring communities together, and stay in touch with friends and family. I agree that there are many positive and negative sides to social media, and I believe it’s all about using it moderately and responsibly. I learned a lot writing this blog and I hope you can learn more about social media from reading it:)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Response to "Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not be Tweeted" quote

In "Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not be Tweeted," Malcolm Gladwell (2014, p. 175) says, " 'Social networks are particularly effective at increasing motivation,' Aaker and Smith write. But that's not true. Social networks are effective at increasing participation-by lessening the level of motivation that participation requires."

You can tell by Gladwell's tone in this quote that he is disagreeing with Aaker and Smith.  He believes social networks lessen the motivation that participation requires.  Which means that because social media is so easy and convenient, then you don't need much motivation at all.
  I agree with Gladwell on what he says about social networks and motivation.  In my opinion social networks distract me from doing what I really need to be doing and so that lowers my motivation.  Just like I talked about in my post about social media addiction, if you are constantly checking it and its distracting you from your responsibilities then I think social media isn't affecting you in a good way.  Social networks are good sometimes, but for me I find that it can distract me from my homework which doesn't increase my motivation at all.

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