Welcome to my blog!

On my blog I posted videos, pictures, and information and facts on social media and how it affects people. I mainly focused my research on the positive and negative ways social media impacts society. I found that it can be very helpful and useful but it can also be very detrimental. I learned that when used recklessly and not carefully it can ruin someone’s life. It can lead to addiction, behavior issues, and even mental disorders. The problem is that social media is easy to misuse and people don’t realize that it affects so many others. But I also learned when used responsibly it can be a great tool for society. It can help solve crime, help other people, bring communities together, and stay in touch with friends and family. I agree that there are many positive and negative sides to social media, and I believe it’s all about using it moderately and responsibly. I learned a lot writing this blog and I hope you can learn more about social media from reading it:)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Response to Nyajuok's blog post


In one of Nyajuok's blog posts she writes "I read an article how media print is dead and come to think of it;it is. It's pretty sad that people would rather quickly look on the internet for information than a newspaper.Seems like the concentration isn't the same but, print media seems to stand it's ground and not ready to back down yet against it's biggest competitor " The Internet". I guess it's a good, less tress will be cut down."

I agree with Nyajuok's statement.  I do think its kind of sad that print media is being taken over by technology and the internet.  And sure its a good thing that less trees will be cut down, but in my opinion I have always liked the hard copy of things.  I like reading and holding an actual book rather then reading it on a kindle or Ipad. I like cd's because you will always have them, unlike downloading it online where if something went wrong it could get deleted.  And I really like how in this class we hand in printed out essays instead of emailing them. That way the teacher gets to give feedback and write on it, and you know it gets turned in rather then wondering if it got lost in the internet.  But don't get me wrong, I have nothing against computers.  I think computers, the internet, and new technology are great tools if used the right way.  And I guess it all has to do with opinion.  Some people might like reading more on a kindle instead of a book.  As long as print media doesn't totally disappear, and I can still go to the store and buy a book, then I am okay with that.

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