Welcome to my blog!

On my blog I posted videos, pictures, and information and facts on social media and how it affects people. I mainly focused my research on the positive and negative ways social media impacts society. I found that it can be very helpful and useful but it can also be very detrimental. I learned that when used recklessly and not carefully it can ruin someone’s life. It can lead to addiction, behavior issues, and even mental disorders. The problem is that social media is easy to misuse and people don’t realize that it affects so many others. But I also learned when used responsibly it can be a great tool for society. It can help solve crime, help other people, bring communities together, and stay in touch with friends and family. I agree that there are many positive and negative sides to social media, and I believe it’s all about using it moderately and responsibly. I learned a lot writing this blog and I hope you can learn more about social media from reading it:)

Friday, April 18, 2014

Do Facebook's privacy settings always work?

Nelson, P (2011 January 28). Why Facebook's privacy settings don't always work. retrieved April 18 2014, from KSL Web Site: http://www.ksl.com/?sid=14168498

The main topic in this article is that there really isn't a guaranteed way to hide the things you post on Facebook, even using the privacy settings.  Nelson wrote this article to tell people to just don't post things that may come back to haunt you.  Keep all private information off the website and if you don't want someone to see a post don't even post it because even the privacy settings can never be fully trusted.  Using the privacy settings for status updates you can exclude certain people from seeing your status.  But don't think that's going to stop the person from finding out because their are ways around that.  Nelson claims that even if you exclude a person from your status, other people may talk about it and maybe even post about it.  There's also the share button, so even if you set your privacy settings to keep someone from seeing your posts or photos, the friends that can see them have the option of sharing them with all their friends.  Which is a problem if that friend is a mutual friend of the person you were trying to hide the post from.  And lets say that you accidentally post something stupid, you can delete the post or comments but people can screenshot the conversation.  This is a very interesting article and it connects to my last video post.  It shows how nothing you post online is ever totally private, and that their are ways around the privacy settings.  Be careful what you post online because it may come back to haunt you.

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